Steps to Independence was established by two Occupational Therapists with an extensive background of practice within community learning disabilty services. Steps to Independence is a modern, creative and innovative support provider for adults with learning disabilities.

Steps to Independence supported living service offers adults with a learning disability the opportunity to live independently in their own home or to share with others with whom they are compatible.

Our community support service provides adults with a learning disability the support they need to access the community in order to engage in work, educational, social and leisure activities of their choice.
At Steps to Independence Occupational therapy plays a critical role in helping people of all ages to overcome the effects of disability caused by illness, ageing or accident so that they can carry out their everyday tasks or occupations.
Steps to Independence Ltd
1310 Solihull Parkway
Birmingham Business Park
B37 7YB

Tel: 0121 796 5332
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Web design by Core Design Communications Ltd
Site designed by Core Design Communications Ltd.